Sunday, May 19, 2013

An Attitude of Gratitude

I’m ba-ack!  Back in Santa Fe!  Living in my teeny tiny casita with my less than teeny tiny dog.  And I am oh so grateful to be here!  As I type this, I am drinking my morning coffee with the windows open and the cool breeze wafting the sounds…and the dust…of the neighborhood in.  I have ever so slowly begun to furnish my new home…and have none of the household staples that we tend to rely on (spices, tools, a broom) and really no storage…and there is not a level surface to be found…but I must say, I feel wonderfully right at home.
In this gratitude stream I am basking in, not only am I grateful to be here, I am also grateful for the journey and for all those who helped me along the way.    
I am so thankful for all my family and friends who did not say “have you lost your mind??” when I said I was moving to Santa Fe, even though they may have thought it.  My fabulous sons came back with “go Mom (actually Ma or Momma, depending on the son)!!”; Gail the Magnificent said, “You know, I’ve never been to Santa Fe” with the unsaid but understood first of many trips to be planned and soon; Susan the Sensational, who foresaw my move west a year ago, said (albeit through tears), “you let me know as soon as you get a place ‘cause I’m coming to visit!”;  my Primo Parents were I think a bit disappointed, but immediately began thinking of what resources they could provide (“Do you have enough towels?  You’re going to need towels.  Here, take some towels”).
That was the reaction, then came the journey. 
Gail was witness to and compassionate toward the initial Great Dane Freak-out.  She helped me focus, reminding me of the limited capacity of my car-with-dog (No Debi, you have no room for your Cuisinart!).  She was wonderful and fun as she always is, and I am so grateful she is my friend.
On to Charleston (the city) with Charleston (the dog)…his first trip out of Florida, by the way.  My parents are not used to having a giant dog who can go nose-to-nose with my Mom pacing around.  They were lovely and generous, and I believe they may have even (briefly) missed the dog when we left!
Next stop was Cary, NC, and the introduction of the old dog to the new puppy, giving them and us plenty of excitement and exercise.  My sister and her family are always welcoming and wonderful, and they made us at home in a house filled with laughter and love.
And then, one long rainy day later, Charleston and I arrived in Nashville, to the 2nd story apartment of my awesome son Daniel.  Daniel…Gabriel…FootLoose…he is a man of many names and has long been my hero.  He had signed on to drive his eager Mom and her reluctant dog across country over the next 2 days…through Nashville traffic and the rainy green of Tennessee, on to awful Arkansas – the land of giant churches, endless road construction and only 2 open rest areas in the entire state (hence, the awful designation), then through OHHHklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain (and yes, I burst into song and he tolerated), through the wee spit of Texas on I-40, which actually has some pretty vistas complete with giant windmills, then finally…FINALLY!  New Mexico!  After 2 days in the car with his Mom and a Great Dane who preferred to have his heavy head resting on the driver’s arm, I think Daniel was happier to see the state line than I was!  
Daniel stayed on for the rest of the week, helping Charleston and me settle in and patiently driving me all over town looking for household essentials.  We walked around town and played tourist, explored the hills and their amazing views and spent a day up around Taos.  We saw beautiful and funky things, ate really good food and had long talks with much laughter.  We have not had this amount of quality time to spend with each other…just us…in a long, long time, and for this I am most grateful.
Each morning I wake up to birds chirping and light streaming through my window.  I look around my little home and it makes me smile.  Each day is a new adventure for me in Santa Fe.  It feels magical and grace-filled, with the sense that something wonderful is around every corner.  I am happy and relaxed, and filled with an attitude of gratitude.


1 comment:

Gabriel said...