Sunday, October 6, 2013

Autumn Check-In

When last we left our intrepid heroine, she was just setting up housekeeping in the high desert, accompanied by her faithful albeit neurotic companion, Charleston the wonder dog.
It was a beautiful summer, filled with music, adventures and celestial wonders. 
I am surrounded by views that take my breath away on a daily basis, and Santa Fe fills me with awe and inspiration, so you would think I have had plenty to write about over the summer.  I did start many a blog, wrote a brilliant paragraph here or a couple of heart wrenching lines there, but I never quite finished any of them.  There was the one about the dust storm that blew itself right on into my house…the one documenting the insane irony of Santa Fe drivers…the tale of meeting the people who are instantly familiar and friends…the story of finally letting go of the past and moving on…
Now here we are in October…already.  I just got back from visiting my parents in SC for a few days, leaving Santa Fe in the early stages of fall-ishness.  I returned to full blown Autumn bordering on Winter:  the aspens have abandoned green and gone full-on gold; the vine wrapped all around my front fence has turned bright crimson.  And this morning….it was 28 degrees.  Yes, 28.  And yes…I was cold.  And no…I really don’t have a winter wardrobe…yet.
But the day has been so BEAUTIFUL that no cold could keep me inside.  Walking up Canyon Road to visit my favorite gallery and shops, the sun was so bright and warm, the colors so vivid, that pretty much everyone out and about had a smile.  And while I was bundled in my leather jacket, stylish pink silk scarf and my Fryes (and looking fabulous I might add), there was the requisite long-time local in shorts, flip flops and a sweatshirt.  I guess there's one in every town.

Well, I just wanted to pop back and say hello again, and let you know that Charleston and I are alive and well and loving Santa Fe (well...I am anyway.  But that's another story).  I am going to leave you with my love and gratitude, and some pictures of the beauty that is fall in New Mexico.   My little camera does not do it justice.   The first 4 are in my neighborhood; the others are just up the road from me.